Yahoo News - Juliana Hatfield returns with band, and doubts on pop life

Shaun Tandon, in a syndicated piece on Juliana for AFP at Yahoo:

She feels similarly about her musical skills. For years, she tried to make her voice raspier -- even taking up smoking -- but has come to terms with her strengths and weaknesses.

"There is nothing I can do about it," she said of her voice. "I don't sound like Courtney Love -- I just don't. I love Courtney Love's voice."

The article is a bit of fluff but has some decent photos by Timothy A Clary taken at the recent Juliana Hatfield Three Bowery Ballroom show in NYC. Larger, higher res versions can be found in the same syndicated piece which appears on the Daily Mail's website. I'm not linking to that publication so search that out if you want to.