The Juliana Hatfield Three - UK Tour - May 2019

The Juliana Hatfield Three! UK! 2019!

UPDATE 2: Brighton & Glasgow shows added!

UPDATE 1: London date is May 21. Birmingham venue is O2 Institute, not O2 Academy as I wrongly listed originally. Hope to see friends old and new in May! - Craig.

May 2019, UK
20 Brighton - The Prince Albert
21 London - O2 Academy Islington
22 Bristol - Thekla
23 Nottingham - Rescue Rooms
24 Glasgow - CCA
25 Manchester - Academy - part of Gigantic Vol 5 All Day Festival
26 Birmingham - O2 Institute

Juliana's official site says "more European shows to be announced.". Update April 3, 2019 - Juliana now says these 7 UK dates are now the only scheduled European shows.

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