Posts tagged 20questions
20 Questions with Juliana (2012) (2)

Q: “I Got No Idols.” What’s the story behind it? The first verse seems to respond to the media-hyped virginity brouhaha you found yourself in after the Interview interview (“you may think we all need that stuff/but I don’t think about it much”) while the second verse tackles false gods as well as how some ardent fans may perceive you (“but I’m a liar, that’s the truth/go home and think it through”).

JH: It was existential. (Become What You Are, the album title, was taken from Nietzsche, you know). I think I was trying to be tough, or to appear tough, to mask my fragility/weakness by claiming to not need anyone, and to not be impressed by anyone, but then acknowledging/admitting my weakness and fragility (“when I do I have to leave the room/I’m scared of what i might do”—i might get weak in the knees, I might fall in love). I am trying to convince myself while trying to convince the listener that I am a lone wolf. But not really believing it 100%, even as I am saying it. I don’t remember the specifics of what was going through my head. I think I was thinking of Sonic Youth and “Kill Yr. Idols,” on one level trying/wanting to be ‘cool’ like them. I think you are right about the second verse. I wasn’t comfortable in the role of rock or pop star or objectifiable object and I thought it was all really stupid in a way and I never was any good at it because I could never believe the hype.

Read another of Juliana's PledgeMusic Q&As at The Old Grey Cat.

20 Questions with Juliana (2012)


I will say that from the last album [There’s Always Another Girl] I am really proud of the song “Wasting Time”. I think it might be the saddest song I’ve ever written but it’s so pretty and so grown-up. It’s subtle and toward the end of the album so I think it was overlooked by lot of people.

As part of Juliana's current PledgeMusic drive she has again offered the opportunity to ask her 20 questions via email.

With thanks once more to N'Awlins Contrarian (and Juliana) for sharing, you can read a set of her responses here:


If you missed last year's Q&A between the same parties, you can view that pdf here.

People discussing "The Internets" will never get old.

20 Questions with Juliana

If you missed the chance to take part in the Q&A email incentive offered in Juliana's PledgeMusic project, one participant has kindly shared their exchange via the This Is The Sound group.

If you're not a member of that group (and why not?!) you can view the Q&A as a pdf here:


A big thanks to N'Awlins Contrarian (and Juliana) for making this available.  If anyone else wants to share theirs (or parts thereof) please feel free to do so.