Upcoming Acoustic Livestream Performance of Become What You Are - Dec 19, 2020

Juliana will perform her 1993 classic album Become What You Are in a solo acoustic broadcast from Q Division Studios on Saturday December 19, 2020 at 4pm EST (that's a European friendly 9pm GMT / 10pm CET, yay)

It will be available live on Q Division's YouTube channel and thereafter for an unspecified period for those who can't make that time. update: As of January 2021, the video has been removed.

Writing on her official website, Juliana says:

There is no set ticket price—you can pay what you want, or not. It is up to you. Since none of us—artists nor audiences—can have in-person concerts until who knows when, I am hoping that some of you will be able to contribute something, which will help generate some of that lost touring income. But I understand that a lot of you are struggling financially and I want everyone to be able to see the show—so if you can’t pay, that’s okay!

Head to julianahatfield.com to read more of Juliana's note and the PayPal information.

#paywhatyouwant4becomewhatyouare is not the official hashtag because I've just made it up.

Fabulous news. I'm sure we're all looking forward to this Christmas treat.