Upcoming Livestream Performance #3 - Only Everything (Solo Electric) - February 21, 2021

They come around so quickly, these livestreams.

Juliana, writing at her official site:

For this third installment I will perform, at Q Division Studios, my “Only Everything” album, start to finish, by myself with an electric guitar and a loop pedal, which will enable me to play some guitar solos over some looped chord progressions (trust me, it'll be fun). It will be broadcast via the Q Division YouTube channel .

The scheduled time is 4pm EST on February 21, 2021. That's the same time of day as before (9pm GMT, 10pm CET) but a different day of the week (it's a Sunday) just to keep us alert.

More about the show and the pay-what-you-want donation link at julianahatfield.com

To help prepare for the show you can familiarise yourself with the majesty of the album with original press reviews and more on the Only Everything discography page:

The solo electric with loop pedal feel will bring back memories for those of us who attended Juliana's European shows in 2006. Check out Carsten and Lieve's excellent photos from back then: